Online Marketing Manager

Detajet e punës

About Us
MIK Group was founded in 2012 and offers tailor-made digital marketing services for Swiss
companies. Our team is based in Zug, and Pristina and consists of 20 highly qualified
employees. As a Google partner company, we currently support over 100 companies,
including market leaders in various industries as well as internationally well-known
companies such as Philips, Beiersdorf, and BMW.

Job Description:

We are currently seeking our next Online Marketing Manager Super Star! Based in the Kosovo

Type of position:


Online Marketing Manager Responsibilities:

  • Manage and coordinate marketing and creative staff
  • Brainstorm ideas for new campaigns
  • Coordinate with the sales team and other departments to produce effective strategies
  • Monitor current campaigns, ensuring their staff meets deadlines and completes necessary tasks
  • Analyze data to evaluate the success of our marketing efforts and come up with new ideas to increase brand awareness and market share.
  • Planning and managing our social media platforms.
  • Analyzing market trends and preparing forecasts.
  • Generating new business leads.
  • Preparing and presenting quarterly and annual reports to senior management.
  • Content creation and check for our company website
  • Project Management for internal marketing projects
  • Create and update company presentations and case studies
  • Online Marketing Manager Requirements:
  • Competencies Required
  • Intimate understanding of traditional and emerging marketing channels
  • Excellent communication skills in German and English
  • Analytical skills to forecast and identify trends and challenges
  • Familiarity with the latest trends, technologies, and methodologies in graphic design,
  • web design, production, etc.
  • Highly creative with experience in identifying target audiences and devising digital campaigns that engage, inform, and motivate

Online Marketing Manager Requirements:

Competencies Required

  • Intimate understanding of traditional and emerging marketing channels
  • Excellent communication skills in German and English
  • Analytical skills to forecast and identify trends and challenges
  • Familiarity with the latest trends, technologies, and methodologies in graphic design, web design, production, etc.
  • Highly creative with experience in identifying target audiences and devising digital campaigns that engage, inform, and motivate
  • Intimate understanding of traditional and emerging marketing channels
  •  Excellent communication skills in German and English
  •  Analytical skills to forecast and identify trends and challenges
  •  Familiarity with the latest trends, technologies, and methodologies in graphic design,
  • web design, production, etc.
  • Highly creative with experience in identifying target audiences and devising digital campaigns that engage, inform, and motivate

Job Requirements;

  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, or a related field.
  • Previous experience as an online marketing manager.
  • Experience with social media networking and advertising.
  • Knowledge of digital marketing tools, SEO best practices, and brand exposure techniques.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Advanced project-management skills.
  • Knowledge of the latest technology and trends within the industry.
  • Good interpersonal skills.


  • 13th Loan according to the performance.
  • Gym Membership up to 200 euros / Year
  • Health insurance+ (you and two other family members)
  • Hybrid Work Ambient
  • Paid public holidays (11 days) and paid holidays (20 days) per year.
  • High-Performance Company Culture

Telefon:+41 (0)44 841 02 02 [4] 

Termin:30 Min. SEO Beratung

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Jeni pranuar ne kete pozite? Aplikoni per vize pune. Dergo informacionet tuaja duke plotesuar formen e me poshtme dhe ne do te ju kontaktojme sa me shpejte rreth detajeve tjera.

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Rreth Nesh

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